
8 Quick Steps To Make Your Action Plan For AEP:


Step 1 –Break down your book of business (both clients and prospects) by product and carrier type.  This will help you quickly identify clients who may need to change plans depending on which plans are exiting the area or experiencing major changes in benefits.

Step 2 –Connect with your professional referral network to let them know about AEP and set up some marketing campaigns.

Step 3 –Certify for all products the carrier offers.  Remember that you are certifying for 2019, not just AEP.  Put yourself in a position to say “yes” to opportunities.  Certifications usually start June or July (depending on the carrier).

Step 4 –Order supplies as soon as you can to make sure you don’t miss out.  Yes, carriers do run out of supplies!

Step 5 –Organize any marketing campaigns (lead generation, not people in your database or book of business) you want to perform during AEP.  Have those tested and approved prior to October 1st so when October 1st hits, you can launch on time.  If it is not AEP based, you can launch prior to 10/1.

Step 6 –After the letters are mailed, follow up with a phone call.  Remember, seniors’ mailboxes are filled with advertisements, along with television, radio, internet, and all kinds of other ads.  While many may see and read your letter, a phone call will ensure a higher chance of them taking action or maintaining coverage with you.

Step 7 –Set your Q1 appointments.  Make sure you are setting the stage for a meeting in Q1.  This can keep your clients engaged, plus it is easier to meet with clients and prospects you already have an appointment with rather than to call a few months later and try to set one!

Step 8 –Keep your website, blog, and social media outlets up-to-date, especially during AEP!


BONUS: Remember to let clients know you’re there to help their family and friends as well!  Leave a few extra cards and give them a reason to use you (example:  “My clients refer me because they know I will always have their best interests, and yours, in mind”).


Other Ideas

Get in their phone

The vast majority of your younger clients (65-70) will have smart phones.  When a number comes up that people do not recognize, it is very easy to decline the call and let it go to voicemail.  This is why you need to be programmed into their phone.  How?

When meeting with your clients, ask if they have their cell phone handy.  If they do, tell them you can program your information for them or tell them you will give them your personal cell phone so when they need to contact you they will have your number.  This way, when you contact them, you are no longer a strange number.  Or, if they need to pass out your info to a friend or family member, it will be with them.

Marketing Booths

You may have seen marketing booths available through a carrier or local outlets.  Are they worth it?  It depends.  Do you have enough in your proverbial sales funnel to keep you active this AEP?  If the answer is no, look into them!

Magnetic Business Cards

When is the last time you threw out a magnet that was on your refrigerator?  It is a rarity, so make sure you are on their fridge!  Most printing places offer magnetic business cards.  If you run out, check your local home improvement store.  Who knows, you may just get to hold up that giraffe / monkey / elephant creature their grandchild drew!

Q1 Appointments

Make sure you are setting the stage to meet with your clients in Q1. It is far easier to meet with clients whom you already have an appointment with rather than calling later and trying to meet with them.  This is a great time to review their plan, including any additional features the plan has, such as gym memberships, dental, etc.  You can also offer additional solutions that may not have been addressed. To download our 2020 Appointment Form, click here.

About a week prior to the appointment, send them a reminder card or email to ensure they remember the appointment or allow them to reschedule if needed.



2024 AEP Bootcamp, AEP Disruptions Bootcamp: Survival of the Prepared, AEP Disruptions Bootcamp

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Blue Springs, MO

July 25, 2024
St. Charles, MO

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Columbia, MO

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