
CMS 2021 Virtual Workshops

Registration is OPEN! Starting today and over the next 5 weeks, CMS is holding virtual sessions on a variety of Medicare topics.

Select the hyperlinked event title(s) below to register for those you’re interested in attending. You’ll be prompted to login to the CMS National Training Program (NTP) virtual workshop webpage. To login, use the same email address and password you use to register for all NTP webinars. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one before registering. After you register for an event, you’ll get an email confirmation and calendar appointment. Please email NTPHelp@cms.hhs.gov if you need help with your account or registration.

Sessions will start at 1pm and conclude no later than 3:30pm (ET). Sessions will be recorded for later viewing.

Session materials will be available for download at the time of the events.

NOTE: Registration requests will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis until each session reaches capacity. The number of attendees from the same organization may be limited. If any session reaches capacity, CMS will work to schedule an additional offering for a later date.


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