
Did you know that the cost of an average funeral is upwards of $10,000?

And that’s excluding costs of unpaid bills, lawyer or executor fees, travel expenses, time off work. It all adds up very quickly.


What about social security? Did you know that a $255 payment is all that is paid out to qualifying family members?

That leaves around $9,745 left for loved ones to be burdened with. With this is mind, it’s important to help your clients develop a final expense plan to help protect their family from the unexpected cost and burden of their final expenses.

Federal Trade Commission Funeral Costs and Pricing Checklist

Thinking ahead allows you to choose the specific items you want and need, and compare the prices offered by several funeral providers. It also spares your survivors the stress of making these decisions under the pressure of time and strong emotions. Using the check list on this site can help your family make sure that they get the most with the money from your final expense plan. http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0301-funeral-costs-andpricing-checklist

Turn-Key Final Expense Marketing System – Legacy Safeguard

Legacy Safeguard was created to help you and your clients leave a lasting legacy and assist a member’s family through some of the most difficult times in their lives. It provides members with legacy planning and end of life planning, assistance, support, and guidance. Legacy Safeguard has a comprehensive network of services that are able to provide complete end-of-life planning to ensure that a member’s family will be taken care of in their time of need and to help a member be remembered long after they are gone.

If you work in final expense market you need to know the details of Legacy Safeguard. Legacy Safeguard is a turn-key final expense marketing tool. Here are a few highlights:

  • Target Market
  • Direct Mail
  • Newspaper Inserts
  • Magazine Ads
  • Group Seminar Presentation
  • Flip Chart Presentation
  • Client Presentation DVD
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Stand-Up Banners

On average, Legacy Safeguard saves each family over $2,200 on a traditional funeral service!

Legacy Safeguard can be added at no charge to many of the final expense carriers offered by Senior Marketing Specialists. To learn more about how you can add the Legacy Safeguard program and the top Final Expense carriers to your portfolio click here or call Senior Marketing Specialists today 1-800-689-2800.



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