
While some may not think of referrals as a dependable lead source, they can actually produce a fair amount of business! They are also much more affordable and easier to obtain than cold leads. Senior Marketing Specialists is happy to help our agents find multiple avenues for gaining more referrals. Read about different strategies below and choose the ones that best fit your business!


Just Ask

It may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at the number of agents who just don’t ask. Here are a few different ways to ask your current clients for referrals without making them feel pressured or uncomfortable.


Gaining more referrals can be as simple as asking at the end of your appointments. Hand your client a few extra business cards and say, “If you think any of your friends or family could use my services, please have them give me a call.”


Have a section on your website where people can give you referrals. This is a non-invasive way to get your clients thinking about how you might be able to help their friends and loved ones. If you keep a blog, you can also post every so often asking your clients to send referrals your way.

Through Mail

While direct mail marketing may be puttering out, the power of a hand-written note goes a long way. After an appointment, mail your client a hand-written thank you card. Include a sentence that asks them to spread the word about you and your services.


Do A Little Marketing

Solid marketing is the key to reaching new clients and referrals alike. When you show your existing book of business you are professional and put together through marketing, it will make them want to tell others about you!

Agent Marketing Portfolio

Senior Marketing Specialists offers an entire line of marketing material that are able to be customized with your name, information, and logo or head shot. These professionally-designed modern pieces are created with you and your clients in mind. View our AMP catalog here. To order, follow the instructions on the last page!

Social Media Campaign

In addition to professional marketing pieces, it’s also important to have a strong online presence. Just like asking your clients to spread the word at the end of your appointments, don’t forget to ask on social media! This can be a simple post each week requesting that your followers like and share your page, or send friends your way.


For additional referral ideas, contracting, and more, contact us!

(800) 689-2800 

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