
Giving Authorization For Someone to Call 1-800-MEDICARE For You

The upcoming Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) for 2025 promises to be busy as individuals prepare for the changes in their plans. Prescription drug plan designs are changing to meet the requirements of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The requirements impact standalone Medicare prescription drug plans, and Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage. Requests for changes and the need to contact 1-800-MEDICARE for information will be on the rise.

As an advisor, you will likely encounter individuals who have power of attorney over a loved one who needs to have the ability to communicate with Medicare. Others may simply want someone else to be able to assist them with communicating with Medicare. Authorization can be given by utilizing the form “Authorization to Disclose Personal Health Information” (CMS-10106, linked below). Remember that Medicare requires this form to be submitted prior to releasing information. To get information for someone deceased, you must legally have the right to that information because you’re an Executor or have court documents giving you rights to that information.

To download the Authorization to Disclose Personal Health Information form, please click either of the links below!

For more information, please see CMS.gov, or call us today at (800) 689-2800!

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