

Dan Mangus

National Medicare Trainer and Vice President of Sales at Senior Marketing Specialists

Join Dan on May 15th to gain valuable insight into the upcoming changes of the MACRA law in regards to such topics as the future of Plan F, Medicare identification numbers, financial impacts to clients, access to care, and additional important changes directly correlated with this and other current legislation. Dan will also delve into the 2019 Medicare Marketing Guidelines and what they mean for the way business is done in our market. Every topic in this keynote directly impacts your business and way of life as an agent in the insurance market.

Dan Mangus has been in the insurance industry his entire life. Since starting his first insurance agency at age 18, Dan has been passionate about educating others about their insurance choices. His current position of Vice President of Sales at Senior Marketing Specialists gives him a unique line of sight to the customer, agent, and FMO staff. Through his leadership, the Sales Team have become “information specialists”, dedicated to helping agents across the country reach their full potential through strategic planning and education. He is constantly strategizing with his team about how to help agents across the country achieve success in the senior market.

Dan is also the published author of talkingMedicare and has spoken at numerous professional conferences, including the National Guardianship Association, the American Association of Daily Money Managers, and the National Medicare Supplement Conference. He is currently teaching a course on Medicare at the University of Missouri in Columbia.

Dan specializes in many topics and trainings, including agency building, Networking, provider relations, and industry analysis, but his uncanny ability to take what is happening with our country’s current legislation and package that in an understandable and educational message is unrivaled. Join Dan on May 15th as he keynotes at the 2018 National Senior Sales Summit and learn how current legislation, upcoming MACRA changes, and other decisions being made in Washington DC will affect our industry and your business.

To register for the 2018 National Senior Sales Summit visit www.smssalessummit.com

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