
Finding the right prospects to talk to is one of the biggest challenges independent agents face. Let us help.

    • We have many ways to assist you in this, from lead vendors to client retention, obtaining referrals, and marketing materials.

    • Our goal is to help you from start to finish with finding leads; whether through referrals, direct mail, or existing clients to closing the sale and making that lead a client. But working that lead doesn’t end there, we take it a step further to retaining that client and adding additional protections to cover all their areas of risk.

The best way for us to help you with your prospecting needs is to work with you on your individual needs.  How much money you are investing, how much time you have, and the networking affiliations you currently are using are all factors you need to consider before you spend any money on leads.

  1. Develop your Marketing Plan  |  Determine how many leads you need each month to achieve your monthly and annual sales goals. Think about key items like what kind of business or what market you wish to work in. Do you need to add a younger demographic to your aging current client base?
  2. Select the Message  |  Select the message that best fits your selling style. Between the numerous lead vendors, pre-approved carrier pieces, and custom postcards and flyers we can provide, there are a number of proven messages for you to utilize.
  3. Who to Target  |  There are several ways for you to determine the best list of prospects to use for your selected program. What product are you selling? What are the income demographics in your area? Is there a specific age group of individuals where rates are more competitive? We can help you narrow down your target market with demographics, carrier rates, discounts, market saturation, etc.
  4. Mailing Campaign Starts  |  Depending on what media you choose for your lead campaign, your leads could start coming in immediately or it could take up to several weeks. Make sure you are prepared to handle leads immediately as they come in. The older and colder a lead gets the more likely it is that another agent has taken care of that clients needs. If you are looking to purchase leads, we can direct you to some of the best lead providers in the industry and we have made arrangements with most of them to provide a discount to you as one of our agent partners.

So Who do I Order my Leads From?

Senior Marketing Specialists has partnerships with various lead sources and vendors to get you the best rates and return.  Here are a few Lead Companies that we recommend you try out. Click each company name to find out more.

ARM Leads

ARM Leads has special pricing for SMS contracted agents. With multiple lead cards to choose from including DVH, Turning 65 and combo cards for Medicare Supplement and Final Expense. Please select the link for the catalog and order form.

Target Leads

Target Leads has special pricing for mail order campaigns with national averages reaching past 4%!

Secure Agent Leads

Secure Agent Leads offers leads for many types of product lines and offers Senior Marketing Specialists contracted agents a 30% discount on all leads!

Legacy Safeguard

United of Omaha has developed an industry leading Final Expense lead solution with Lead Concepts that includes discounted pricing and multiple lead types.

Monumental Life also features a Legacy Safeguard leads program. No Commission Reduction, FREE Membership in Legacy Safeguard, No POS Interview, Exclusive Territory, Lead Liaison… All you could ask for in a leads program and so much more! Contact us today to get contracted and start using the Legacy Safeguard system.

Lead Concepts

Lead Concepts offers professional print, mail, and lead acquisition services that help refine your business’ search with refined demographics and targeted leads. They strive to generate more leads for your business for less money.

Lead Heroes

Lead Heroes provides live telemarketing services and offer an exclusive 10% discount code for Senior Marketing Specialists agents, use the code “SMS10” to receive 10% off!

And remember, the best way for us to help you with your prospecting needs is to work with you on your individual needs. How much money you are investing, how much time you have, and the networking affiliations you currently are using are all factors you need to consider before you spend any money on leads.

Email our Accounts Team, agentresources@smsteam.net, for a personalized consultation about adding clients to your book of business, or give us a call at (800) 689-2800.

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