
Medicare Café - Certify for the Year Not Just AEP

It happens every year, the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP). Along with that comes certifying for all plans you will offer to clients.

When you are certifying, you should certify for everything! Most agents don’t see past AEP but remember that certification is for all of the following year (or 2022 as I am typing this) and not just for AEP.

Example: You decide that you are not going to perform any seminars during AEP, so you elect not to certify to perform them. AEP comes and goes, and you did not perform any as planned. However, next May you are talking to a client, and they mention a club which they attend and are looking for a speaker. They want you to talk about the plan you enrolled them in as they have told others how happy they are with it.

→ If you didn’t certify for seminars, you can perform an education seminar where the plan is not mentioned in detail.

→ But, if you did certify for seminars, now you can have a sales event where others that already have some interest in the plan can go ahead and enroll at the seminar.

Getting Medicare Certified 2022

“But what if I’m not going to offer that plan next year? Should I still certify?”

Yes! As you may come across a prospect who wants to enroll in that plan. This way, you are putting yourself in the position to say yes to business!
Or, if it is a plan you had offered in the past and are choosing not to offer, should you still have clients who remain in that plan past AEP, you will need to be certified to be eligible for renewal commissions.

Put yourself in the position to say yes to clients and prospects all through AEP and beyond!

Need help? We have certification walk-throughs and more available in our AEP Toolkit!

Join the conversation every Tuesday at 10 am CST.

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