
Medicare Café - Holiday How-to

When it comes to buying insurance, most people aren’t as excited as you may think (shocker, I know!).

This is especially true when there is a holiday involved, and AEP just happens to be in the mix of it – Thanksgiving, lots of holiday travel, meal preparation, and then Black Friday, which is basically the Superbowl of the retail industry.

So, what’s an insurance agent supposed to do?

Sales may slow in these weeks, but your communication shouldn’t. 

medicare agent holiday how-to

Holiday Cards/Newsletters

This is obviously a great time to send out a holiday card or email newsletter wishing your clients and prospects well-being. This is also a great way to remind them that December 7th is fast approaching.

Note: This is one of the advantages of having an email newsletter service. You can send out mass communications to your clients and prospects, such as holiday wishes or updates they need to be aware of, like December 7th is the last day to make changes.


For those prospects who turned into clients or clients who enrolled into new plans you can remind them of their timelines such as:

    • Coverage will start January 1st
    • Continue to use their current coverage through December 31st
    • Their cards should take approximately 2-3 weeks to arrive
    • You are there to answer any questions
    • Your holiday office hours

Offer an Appointment

If you are using a service that allows clients and prospects to select their own appointments with you, such as https://calendly.com you can send them a link reminding them appointments are limited this week but there may still be open availability.

If you are not reaching out to your clients and prospects, they will be far less likely to reach out to you. Activity on your end turns in to appointments on theirs.

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