
Medicare Café - Keeping Active Throughout AEP

7 Weeks. That’s all AEP is.

While it sounds like a short time and wouldn’t seem that difficult to keep active during those 7 weeks, many agents run out of activity by the end of October.

How? Let’s look:

Let’s say you have 300 clients–200 have MA plans and 100 have Medicare Supplements with Part D plans.

If only 13% (roughly the amount of people changing plans in AEP over the last 3 years) of your clients are going to change plans, that would equal 39 clients changing plans.

If you run 3 appointments per day, you would need 13 days. If you started on October 15th and excluded weekends, that would take you to November 2nd

That leaves you almost 5 weeks free.

Active AEP

What are you going to do those 5 weeks?

Many agents will turn to marketing for new clients, but it’s far too easy to have your marketing drowned out by multimillion ad campaigns used by large call centers and carrier advertisements during AEP. 

What to do?

Turn to your book of business. It’s been proven in numerous studies that current clients are more likely to buy additional products from current salespeople they have previously purchased from and spend more money while doing so. You have a level of trust already built into the sale of the initial coverage, build off that!

This also gets you back in front of those clients who you assumed would not change plans and make sure they are not calling one of those 1-800 numbers that are constantly showing up during commercial breaks.

Even if the client has no additional needs to offer coverage for, you can open the door for referrals and other opportunities you may miss by not meeting with your clients. 

Review your book of business.

  • Make a list of clients who may need to change plans and set up a marketing campaign to meet with them over the first few weeks of AEP.
  • Then once all your clients who need to change plans are taken care of, focus on the rest of your book of business and plan to meet with them.

Need help? That is what we’re here for!

Give us a call at (800) 689-2800 or live chat with us right here on our site!

Join the conversation every Tuesday at 10 am CST.

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