
Medicare Café - The Last Week of AEP

It’s the final countdown for AEP.

The ads are still running strong. Time is ticking away for clients and prospects who have been on the fence. What’s your game plan? Don’t have one? 

Here are some suggestions to make sure you are not leaving any of your clients or prospects left to their own devices and calling an 800 number.

Medicare Cafe , Medicare Café , Medicare Café - Last Week of AEP , Medicare Cafe Last Week of AEP

Contact everyone you enrolled.

Make sure they know their application has or is going through and they can sit back and relax knowing their new coverage will start January 1st. However, if they have questions, you are their first contact.

This is where having an automated process in your CRM to reach out at set times can make your process much less stressful as this could be running in the background with no effort from you other than the initial set-up.

If you don’t have access to a system that does automated contacts, a newsletter service can help you organize your clients. Creating email lists of clients and prospects can deliver the right message to the right person. This is referred to as list segmentation.

Don’t have your clients and prospects broken down, then send one big email to your clients and prospects with different sections based on their status with you.


Section 1 – If you have changed plans, then your new coverage will start on Jan 1st.

Section 2 – If you want to change plans and have not done so yet, you only have until December 7th.

Section 3 – Not sure, contact me

Direct contact to those who you met with and didn’t make policy changes.

Still have some clients and prospects on the fence, then reach out with a phone call. While an email, as mentioned above, is easy, it is also easily ignored. If you are not making the effort to reach out directly, your clients and prospects might be swayed by a different solicitation and call them instead.

You should have left the appointment with a plan of action to contact them, so they should already be expecting your call/contact.

Everyone else…

After everyone above is locked down and ready to go, then reach out to those others lurking in your CRM or database and see if they need help.

How should you reach out?

The phone is best, provided that you have documented permission and the type of coverage they are seeking out. If you only have a physical address? Then send them a quick note. Don’t have anything? Well then, how did you get a hold of them initially? Time to purge your files and clean up your database (after AEP).

It is your responsibility to make sure your clients and prospects know you are there for them. Show them this last week of AEP!

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