Medicare Café – Using the Internet Effectively for Your Business
1. Keep your website updated
This should happen at least annually. As Medicare rules and publication changes (such as the Medicare & You publication) so should your website. If your website and/or materials are out of date, that will not spark confidence to seniors to reach out to you.
2. Don’t go wide, go deep
There are numerous social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tic Toc, etc. Rather than be lack luster on all of them, choose one and make that your focal point. We would suggest Facebook since that is still the #1 platform online. This also allows you to have a business page for your clients and prospects to like and follow.
3. Be consistent
The challenge with social media is transparency. Your posts are date and time stamped. If you have not posted in 6+ months, people will see that and may think you are not in business or are bad at communication. You should be posting at least 3x’s per week. This is easier than you think with SMS Agent Connect Facebook Group. If you have an active contract with Senior Marketing Specialists, you can be a part of the group and grab content to use on your social media.
4. Start now
According to Google, the two times Medicare is searched the most online is in October and December—the start of AEP and the end of AEP. Start feeding your Facebook page more content so when people visit your page, they see consistent info. Even if you have taken a break, you can start filling it now and most people will not scroll far enough to see that break if you have a month or two of consistent posts.
5. Read #4 again and actually do it.
70% shopping rates will make this AEP a war zone. Do you have your Battle Plan ready?
Attend one of our in-person AEP Disruptions Bootcamps, or be left behind.
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