
Medicare Café - Benefits of Pre-AEP Contact

The flood gates of AEP are about to open. All your hard work throughout the year is about to payout (or hold you back) as every senior in America is going to be faced with two and a half months of Medicare insurance ads.

If I could give you one piece of advice between now and AEP…

Don’t wait for AEP to reach out!

Don't Wait

October 1st has always been where marketing campaigns are turned to 11; however, you don’t have to wait to reach out to clients and prospects. October 1st is when new plan information, in this case, 2022 plan details, can be released to the public. All your regular campaigns should still be running up to October 1st and beyond.

You can also now announce AEP dates prior to 10/1. Remind your clients that 10/15 to 12/7 are the times that if they choose to change their Medicare coverage is the time to do so. Your social media, newsletters, and other marketing efforts can be announcing this now, getting your clients and prospects not only ready for AEP but also reminding them that you are the one to turn to should they have questions about changing plans.

Another reason to reach out…

Individual agents and smaller agencies are not the only ones realizing they can reach out now. Larger call centers, carriers, lead vendors, etc., have all been starting to turn that marketing dial-up as early as July to start their AEP drip campaigns. Numerous research reports have shown the first name in the door is usually the one that ends up with the sale. Yes, they may be your client, but if they do not hear from you and there is another agent dropping Medicare hints and ideas starting in July, your name may no longer be in the forefront of their mind.

If you want your clients and prospects to continue to turn to you for Medicare plans and information, you have to consistently remind them to do so!

Join the conversation every Tuesday at 10 am CST.

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