
Medicare Café - Your Professional Referrals

Your clients use other professionals, from filling prescriptions, arranging power of attorney paperwork to filing their taxes, etc. If one of their clients has a question about Medicare insurance, do they have a resource to give that client? 

Vice versa, if one of your clients has a question about a service you do not provide, do you have a resource to share?

medicare referrals

Many agents focus on gaining referrals from their current clients, and that should be part of their referral strategy; however, if you are not focusing on building relationships with other professionals, you are not only being less of a resource to your clients and also missing a huge opportunity for referrals.

Want proof? Let’s say Mable, one of your clients, is very happy with your service and she wants to tell her friends about it. So, over their weekly coffee gathering, she tells her 4-5 friends about how wonderfully you helped her enroll into her new policy. That is great. Mind you, her other friends also already have Medicare coverage and are not looking to change anytime soon.

Now change that with an estate planning attorney who sees senior clients weekly (if not daily) who may have questions about how their Medicare coverage will work with their planning. While the attorney can give them general guidance on Medicare coverage, they can refer your name and info for more exact details and/or plan options.

Even if most of those attorney’s clients are not in the market at that time for insurance, they are creating brand awareness for you, so when they come across your name and info again, it carries more meaning verus an agent whom they have never heard of.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can do joint marketing, seminars, promotions, etc. to create awareness for both your and the other professional’s brand and services.

While clients may bring in some referrals here and there, professionals can bring in a steadier stream of awareness and referrals.

Start exploring your area, talk to your clients about who they use for other needs, and build those professional connections!

Join the conversation every Tuesday at 10 am CST.

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