
Find out more about the trainers at the National Senior Sales Summit in an interview with Community Brand Awareness Guru, Caleb Sumner.



Caleb, co-owner of Sumner Insurance Services, has worked to create a team of agents that are active community members, creating positive and memorable brand awareness. With an extensive line of insurance products from Medicare products all the way to boat insurance, their agency excels at educating clients and being a true advisor in their region while in turn being a top producer with every line of insurance protection they offer. The brand awareness of Caleb’s agency is at a level few agents or agencies have achieved, and his continued efforts to maintain and grow that brand are recognizably admirable

Caleb is active in advocating for quality, affordable insurance options through his active role with various national advisory groups and organizations. He has been an active member of the SMS Advisory Council for over 10 years, and brings a valuable unique perspective on community leadership to the group at each board meeting.

Join Caleb at the National Senior Sales Summit during the Perspectives of Influence Panel on May 23rd in St. Charles, MO.

Get your tickets today, www.smssalessummit.com.


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Attend one of our in-person AEP Disruptions Bootcamps, or be left behind.

July 23, 2024 
Blue Springs, MO

July 25, 2024
St. Charles, MO

July 31, 2024
Columbia, MO

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