
One of the easiest ways to get your brand and logo in front of people is to give them something free! Everyone loves free things. But for someone trying to find and order those items, the task can seem daunting and difficult simply due to the sheer number of options available. Here we have put together a very simple suggestion guide to get you started with some items that will help get your name out in the community and keep stay on top of your customers minds.

Pens are the most basic but fundamental item recommended if to promote your business. There are literally thousands of companies online that will personalize pens for you. While we have not had the chance to work with them all, there are a few companies that we order from on a regular basis that offer great prices, and easy to use ordering system that your logo and info upload right into, and online proofs so you get your product fast. Here are several of the companies we use here at Senior Marketing Specialists.

And a few of the specific pens we really liked and got great reviews on from customers were:

Tip: pens travel, they get left places, borrowed and never returned, stolen from wait staff at restaurants. A good pen is like a traveling business cared. Give each of your clients a few in hopes that they will lose it and it will travel around.

Folders can be an important way for a client to organize and recognize their policies and information provided to them by you. If you need a simple but high quality designed folder we recommend checking out www.vistaprint.com for pre-made templates you simply plug your information into. There are 100’s of design options to choose from.

An alternative option is to purchase colored folders in bulk from somewhere like www.officedepot.com or www.amazon.com. Then place a label on them with your company info. You can print the labels in house, so you can change, update or add to the label without having to re-order printed folders in bulk. The 3 ½” x 4” shipping labels from Office Depot work well for that.

Everyone LOVES a nice (free) t-shirt. But ordering can get pricy fast and until you order you’re never sure of quality until you receive your order.  For bulk purchasing we have had good luck with

If you are looking for some higher quality items for your office staff or to wear on appointments check out some of the items on 4imprint’s website. One of our all time favorites is the Cutter & Buck Shoreline Pullover, it’s great casual or with work wear. Men’s and women’s styling available. This pullover was a HUGE hit with our SMS Advisory Council members.

UnitedHealthcare’s client facing brand, Medicare Made Clear, released an amazing resource a few years back that is greatly underutilized by agents and clients. It is the most comprehensive life tracking organizer we’ve seen. It is a place where you can organize everything, from financials, to passwords, insurance, pet care, and more. And it’s completely FREE for anyone to download. There are 3 design options available. It is already branded by Medicare Made Clear, BUT, all you need to do is print it and put inside a 3 ring binder with YOUR branding and logo on the front. Mic drop….


Again, two of the best companies we’ve found to work with are 4imprint and Anypromo. There are 1000’s of options of giveaway items from 10 cents per item up to $100 per item, depending on your wants and needs.

A few great items that seem to go over well with clients in our market are:

  • Pens
  • Stress Balls
  • Toys, Fidget Spinners & Puzzles
  • First Aid Kits
  • Phone Charging Cables or Powerbanks
  • Coffee Mugs or Travel Mugs
  • Shopping Bags
  • Umbrellas
  • Pill Keepers
  • Pill Cutters
  • Car Sun Shades

Tip: Keep in mind that any giveaway that a person will use in public, like and umbrella or a shopping bag, will be a walking advertisement for you. Your brand will be flashed in front of a lot of members of the public where ever that client may go.

Let us know if you have any questions or need suggestions of what types of promotional materials work well at certain types of events and appointments. We’d be happy to help.

And for a free sample of a Senior Marketing Specialists giveaway email contact@smsteam.net with the subject line “I WANT A FREE GIVEAWAY” and your name and address in the email and we’ll send you a surprise.

70% shopping rates will make this AEP a war zone. Do you have your Battle Plan ready?

Attend one of our in-person AEP Disruptions Bootcamps, or be left behind.

July 23, 2024 
Blue Springs, MO

July 25, 2024
St. Charles, MO

July 31, 2024
Columbia, MO

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