
Your Resource Kit for COVID-19.

With included resources for working remotely or virtually in the Senior Insurance Industry

In the current state of worldwide need, confusion and worry we want to ensure that all of our partners and agents are safe and are able to maintain the highest standard of care to our senior clients, who are most at risk of the illness effecting the world right now.  We have compiled many tools and resources to assist you in being able to service your clients remotely.


Senior Marketing Specialists Updates

NEW – Watch the recorded On-Demand Webinar: The COVID-19 Stimulus Package and How it Affects Your Agency

New legislation, aims to flood the economy with capital by sending $1,200 checks to many Americans, creating a $367 billion loan program for small businesses and setting up a $500 billion fund for industries, cities and states. Other provisions include a massive boost to unemployment insurance, $150 billion for state and local stimulus funds, and $130 billion for hospitals. Read More…

Taking Care of What’s Important, a Note from our President – At Senior Marketing Specialists, we treat our employees, our agents, and their customers as family.  We try to do this 365 days a year, and it’s during times like these that every little thing matters. Here are just a few of the things we are doing to make sure ALL of our families that we serve remain healthy, safe, fed… Read More…

Special Edition Podcast Released – Elite Cast: Your Agency During a Pandemic – JoAnn and Dan practice “social distancing” while working remotely to discuss what COVID-19 could mean for you clients, your sales, your staff, and our industry. Listen to the Podcast Here.


MDLive Tele-Health Provided by Senior Marketing Specialists to all direct contracted agents for FREE. – Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been recommended that unless an emergency, all of America should avoid doctors offices and emergency rooms.  We want to do what we can to help you and your family, so we have decided to pay for 3 months coverage for you and your family for a tele-health program.

Senior Marketing Specialists Offices are closed to outside visitors starting March 18th. – Due to the recent influx of COVID-19 cases in the US, and the fact that the most susceptible are the aged, Senior Marketing Specialists has decided to postpone all face to face meetings at this time and/or transition them to virtual meetings. Our home offices will be closed to any non-staff persons starting Wednesday, March 18th, 2020. We encourage you to call or email with questions and concerns. We continue to strive to deliver the best information and service to our clients, and our employees, and the safety of both remains our #1 concern.


Resources for Agents / Business Assistance / Client Facing Tools

  • Tips on Staying Productive and Healthy While Working Remotely | With most of America (and the world) transitioning this week to remote working, our permanent remote team wanted to give you their top tips on staying productive and healthy while working remotely!NEW – COVID-19 and the Medicare Supplement & Medicare Advantage Markets – A guest article from CSG Actuarial
  • Overview of the Small Business Paycheck Protection Program – The PPP provides small businesses with funds to pay up to 8 weeks of payroll costs including benefits. Funds can also be used to pay interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities.
  • NEW –  Paycheck Protection Program Borrowers information  | To apply for a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan and loan advance, click here.
  • Virtual Office Only Protocol Letter to Clients – You can use our sample letter to announce to your clients you are no longer doing in person consultations.
  • Personalizable COVID-19 Client Facing Newsletter. Download, personalize, and print or email. It’s as simple as that. Download your copy here.
  • Social media post for announcing to your clients you do virtual or phone appointments
    • POST WORDING: Staying out of public places, social distancing and even quarantine does NOT mean you should go without the insurance protection you need. We have the capability to  meet with you virtually or over the phone for your appointment. No new devices or technology needed. Call or message us today to setup your appointment for the coverage you need.
    • POST Image: Download the accompanying image here
  • REMINDER – Join SMS Agent Connect for many more Covid-19 / Coronavuris / Staying Healthy custom images and posts you can share on your own social media pages.
  • NEW – COVID-19 Consumer Warnings and Safety Tips
  • NEW – Personlizable Press Release on Scammer Warning
  • NEW – COVID-19 Voicemail Script for you to use:
    OPTION 1: “Hello, you’ve reached [COMPANY NAME]. This is [YOUR NAME], letting you know for the safety of our customers, our team members, their families, and members of our community, we are limiting our in-office appointments effective immediately. We will be servicing your insurance needs via phone, email, and text. As of now, our staff will continue to operate from our office during normal business hours. We thank you for your patience and understanding. Please leave a message and we will call back as soon as we are able, and thank you so much for allowing us to service your insurance needs.”

    OPTION 2: “Hello, you’ve reached [COMPANY NAME]. For the safety of our staff, clients, and community, we have made the decision to temporarily close our office to the public. Our staff will continue to address the concerns and needs of our clients via email, text, and phone. With our staff working form home please pardon any additional background noise such as barking dogs or screaming toddlers, and bear with us as we navigate this unprecedented time together. “


Compliance and Remote Employees / Agents


Virtual Sales / Phone Sales / Non-Face to Face Appointments

  • SMS-U Phone Sales Videos – Find out more about how to get started, what to expect, and how to sell specific products without face-to-face presentations.
  • Virtal Agency and Phone Sales Sales Toolkit
  • One of the best ways to build and maintain trust with a new client or prospect is to include them in the shopping and enrollment processes. Using screen sharing software, like join.me can allows an agent to accomplish this over the phone just like if they were face-to-face. It is free and easy to use.
  • Prospect Boss (formerly SalesDialers) just announced a spectacular offer to agents to help them prospect and continue to bring in new business during this time of social isolation when it’s hard to get in front of new clients. They are offering free 30 day 3-Line CRM Dialer with the call data to agents. Find our more here. 




Resources, Information and Updates on Coronavirus


Center for Disease Control COVID-19 Readiness Resources


CMS / Medicare on COVID-19

  • With the recent Coronavirus epidemic, we want to ensure that agents are aware that Medicare Part B will cover Coronavirus testing ordered after February 4, 2020 by a doctor or other healthcare provider. While there isn’t a vaccine yet, Medicare is still here to help. Click Here to see more about Coronavirus testing from Medicare.gov
  • NEW – The standards for Medicare payment in a nursing facility have been adjusted. A three night hospital stay is not being required as a prerequisite for Medicare coverage of nursing facility care. Finding that the resident needs the following is required:

Additional Guidance and Resources:


Carriers on COVID-19

You can find updates and resources from each of our carriers on this page. Please be sure to check back as updates will be added to the carrier section on a regular basis.

Carriers with provided guidance include Aetna/Silverscript, UnitedHealthcare, Mutual of Omaha, Humana, Cigna and Anthem.

Access the Carrier COVID-19 Page Here


Please call our office with any questions or for help in transitioning to a remote worker business model, 1-800-689-2800.

2024 AEP Bootcamp, AEP Disruptions Bootcamp: Survival of the Prepared, AEP Disruptions Bootcamp

70% shopping rates will make this AEP a war zone. Do you have your Battle Plan ready?

Attend one of our in-person AEP Disruptions Bootcamps, or be left behind.

July 23, 2024 
Blue Springs, MO

July 25, 2024
St. Charles, MO

July 31, 2024
Columbia, MO

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