
News to Use for Agents in the Senior Market

A Publication of Senior Marketing Specialists
Week of June 19, 2017

tmbubble  Medicare Advantage Strong for 2018 According to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

“In 2018, Medicare Advantage enrollment will total approximately 20.8 million, or approximately 38 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data confirm that 99 percent of Medicare beneficiaries will have access to at least one Medicare Advantage plan in 2018. Additionally, while premiums have remained stable, Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits have increased, and enrollment is growing faster than in traditional Medicare.” Source: https://www.hhs.gov/about/budget/fy2018/budget-in-brief/cms/medicare/index.html

tmbubble 2018 Certification Dates

UnitedHealthcare Agent Certifications Open on June 26, 2017.

Agents who are certified by August 18, 2017, can take advantage of an exclusive pre-order of 2018 Enrollment Guides from August 19 – September 3, 2017. Certification will be available on the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions Knowledge Center.

AHIP Certification Opens June 19, 2017


2018 Aetna Certification Starts July 11, 2017.

Starting July 11, you can complete the 2018 annual certification process for Aetna and Coventry Individual Medicare products (MA/MAPD, PDP). At that time you can access 2018 Aetna Individual Medicare certification at https://aetna.cmpsystem.com/ext/ahip/login.php Reminder: The Aetna 2018 certification process includes AHIP with a savings of $50 off the retail price. Also: If you became an Aetna Medicare Front Runner agent for 2017 by selling 18 or more Aetna or Coventry Health Care Individual Medicare (MA/MAPD, PDP) enrollments during the 2017 AEP you may receive free Aetna Individual Medicare certification (a $175 value).

Why is this Important? Early certification is a surefire way to make the preparation for AEP less stressful.

tmbubble Transition Phrases – Expand Your Presentation to Include New Products

Final Expense Transition Phrase

“If you were to pass away tomorrow would you and your family be financially prepared? Let me show you how you can have some peace of mind.”

Cancer Insurance Transition Phrase

“Now I would like to talk to you about something that in one way or another impacts all our lives.”

Hospital Indemnity Transition Phrase

“We can’t stop medical costs from rising and we can’t prevent all gaps in coverage from occurring but we can prepare for it. Let me show you an important way we can prepare.”

Dental/Hearing/Vision Plans Transition Phrase

“Although Medicare supplement plans provide excellent benefits to cover most healthcare needs, you need to take another step to make sure that quality coverage is in place for your dental, vision and hearing health. There is no need to go unprotected.” Recovery Care Transition Phrase “Are you aware of how Medicare works when you leave the hospital?”

For an on-the-go and printable version, try the talkingMEDICARE Dowloadable Edition!


2024 AEP Bootcamp, AEP Disruptions Bootcamp: Survival of the Prepared, AEP Disruptions Bootcamp

70% shopping rates will make this AEP a war zone. Do you have your Battle Plan ready?

Attend one of our in-person AEP Disruptions Bootcamps, or be left behind.

July 23, 2024 
Blue Springs, MO

July 25, 2024
St. Charles, MO

July 31, 2024
Columbia, MO

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