Trial Right Situations
If a client wishes to use their “Trial Right” with a Medicare Advantage plan, and seem dissatisfied within a year of enrolling in the plan, this chart can help explain their next steps:
To learn more about “Trial Right” situations, click here.
As stated on Medicare.gov, Guaranteed Issue Rights (also known as “Medigap Protections”) are rights you have in certain situations when insurance companies must offer you certain Medigap policies. In these situations, an insurance company:
In most cases, you have a guaranteed issue right when you have other health coverage that changes in some way, like when you lose the other health coverage. In other cases, you have a “trial right” to try a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) and still buy a Medigap policy if you change your mind.
For examples of situations where you may have a guaranteed issue right, click here.
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