
UnitedHealthcare Health Assessment

On January 1, 2022, UnitedHealthcare notified agents of the requirements of an in-person Health Assessment, providing consumers with information on how to safely dispose of prescription medication.

Old and unused medication stored at home can be considered unsafe and could lead to accidental consumption or misuse. These regulations are meant to improve safety, reduce chemical contamination in the environment, and provide peace of mind to the agent and client.

What this means for you as an agent:

When completing an in-person Health Assessment, you are now required to provide 3 pieces of information to your client:

  1. Form with information on safe disposal of prescriptions
  2. Minimum of two local take-back sites included on the form
  3. A verbal summary of the form

Below you will find a link to UnitedHealthcare’s Disposal form, where you can complete steps 1-3 above. You will also find a link to the Department of Justice and their search utility to find local disposal locations.

Questions? Call us today at 800-689-2800!

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