We all have our regular meal routines. Some frequently eat out while others cook their food each day. We at Senior Marketing Specialists also like the idea of meal prep for our agents! The busy nature of AEP makes it tempting to grab a quick lunch at the drive thru. And the last thing you want to do when you come home is make dinner. To help you stay nourished and feeling full with minimal time commitment, try preparing your meals in bulk! We care about your health because we know you care about your business. Join us each Friday of AEP for an Agent Care and Encouragement (ACE) post!
How to use Meal Prep to Your Advantage
This week’s article focuses on meal prep. 4 Benefits of Meal Prepping written by Taylor Moore on myprepdmeals.com, details out the advantages of preparing your nutritional intake for the day or week. The article is fairly short and has understandable language so it’s a great quick read. The author makes an appealing argument for meal prepping and showcases how simple it can be even for someone who is new to it!
Meal Prepping…
- Saves you time
- Keeps you from having to do dishes every night
- Saves you money
- Gives you control of your nutrition
- Allows you to customize meals to your liking
- Gives you more energy with less effort
How SMS Can Help
No, we aren’t going to personally prepare all your meals, but we want to take a couple tasks off your list. That way, you have a little extra time to prep your meals a couple nights each week! Here’s what we have to offer you:
- SMS Quote Engine: Forget running quotes on multiple sites to see who is most competitive. Our quote engine allows you to quote Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements, Hospital Indemnity, Final Expense, and DVH plans! The rates on our site are constantly updated and we provide you with rate reports, underwriting information, and a Fill-the-Gaps tool for MA and Hospital Indemnity. You can even quote on the go with our mobile app!
- 2017 AEP Resources: No need to waste time searching for all your AEP necessities. Find everything you need from carrier specifics to compliance reminders in our 2017 AEP Toolbox.
- Social Media Training: Don’t spend hours doing research for your social media. We already did! Online platforms are becoming more and more important to agents. If you are interested in starting or sprucing up social media sites, check out our social media page or give us a call!
For more information, questions, and tips, contact us! 800-689-2800