
Why You Should Be "Ready to Sell" with All Medicare Advantage Carriers—Now

With the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) just around the corner, now is the time to get “Ready to Sell” (RTS) with all the Medicare Advantage (MA) carriers you work with. Here’s why it’s so important to do it early:

1. Be the First to Offer Plans

If you’re RTS early, you can start talking to clients and enrolling them in plans as soon as AEP begins. Getting a head start means you’ll have the advantage over agents who are still waiting to get their certifications done.

2. Offer More Options to Clients

The earlier you get certified, the sooner you can offer your clients all the plan options available. More choices mean you’re more likely to find a plan that works for each client—which boosts your chances of success and strengthens your relationship with them.

3. Avoid Last-Minute Panic

Waiting too long to get RTS can cause delays, leaving you scrambling when AEP kicks off. Getting it done early takes the stress off and lets you focus on what really matters—helping your clients.

4. Stay Compliant and Professional

Medicare carriers have strict rules, and being RTS shows that you’re ready to play by the book. This builds trust with your clients and helps you avoid any issues that could hurt your business.

In the Medicare world, being prepared is everything. Don’t wait—get RTS with all carriers now so you can hit the ground running when AEP starts! Need help? Give Senior Marketing Specialists a call now!

Give us a call today at (800) 689-2800, or contact us at contact@smsteam.net!

Senior Marketing Specialists AEP Toolkit

Our AEP Toolkit has all the marketing resources, certification walkthroughs, carrier specific details, and tools you’ll need in one easy to access spot!

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