
 Why should I come to the Summit?

Well, if 2 days of agent education, focused solely on making you a more successful agent in the senior insurance industry isn’t enough…

there’s also this… the Sales Summit is the premier marketing event for agents in the senior insurance market. You’re going to get sales tips, product insights, and training that you won’t get anywhere else. Attendees will also have numerous chances to meet and collaborate with other insurance professionals, plus the top decision makers and sales professionals with 40+ top carriers, lead vendors, and business consultants in the market.

What’s the difference between the National Senior Sales Summit and the Medicare Supplement Conference?

The Medicare Supplement conference was established for Medicare Supplement carriers, actuaries and FMO’s to gather together to discuss trends, products, and the overall landscape of the market. The SMS National Senior Sales Summit was established with ONLY the agent in mind, with a 100% focus on helping agents sell more, build their businesses, and prosper. The National Senior Sales Summit discusses every product in the senior space, not just Medicare Supplements, but more importantly, we discuss sales techniques, lead generation methods, business and agency building, social media mastery, and so much more. Every break-out session and every speaker is there to specifically address the needs of an independent agent.  We will have many vendors there also that cater to services an agent needs; lead vendors, CRM providers, tax professionals, social media experts and many, many more!!

Additionally, while there may be a free day for agents at the Med Supp conference, there are no meals included. With your one low cost ticket you will have access to an amazing local themed buffet, all you can eat, for both breakfast and lunch on May 16th.

Is the Sales Summit just for agents in Missouri?

Absolutely not, the National Senior Sales Summit is just that, a National event, the National event that is! We’ve even moved the event to the St. Charles Convention Center, just 10 minutes from the St. Louis airport so agents from all 50 states can easily access this exceptional training event.

What does it cost to attend?

The more important question that you should be asking… what is it going to cost me and my business if I don’t attend?

We’ve made this simple. One ticket is all you need to soak in 2 days of training. The regular ticket price is $100 for your 2 day training pass. If you wish to attend the Red Carpet Networking Dinner on May 15th it’s an additional $50 for the dinner ticket.

Keep in mind similar industry and marketing training events that actually compare in quality of speakers, topics (and provide 2 complete, and super delicious meals) are 8-10 times more expensive to attend. Taking aside the unimaginable knowledge you will gain, which we can help you turn into money making activities, the one day only discounts and offers from our vendors that you get, simply from attending, far out-value the minimal $100 ticket cost.

Visit https://www.smssalessummit.com/events/2018-sales-summit to find out more about the Summit as well as ticket cost.

Tip: Take advantage of our early bird discount and save 25% on Training Tickets if you register by February 15th

Do I have to go to both days?

We understand sometimes other things are already planned that may not be flexible.  If you would like to attend, but can only attend one of the two days, just drop a note in the comments section when you purchase your tickets and we’ll make a note to get you the stuff you missed after the Summit concludes.

Can I bring a staff member or family member if they don’t hold an insurance license?

YES! We encourage agents, agencies, agency staff, supportive family members, your mother who sets your appointments, ANYONE working in the Senior Insurance Industry can benefit from the trainings and break-out sessions at the Summit to attend. When you purchase tickets for each person just make sure you give us the name of the registrant in the comments so we can have their packet and name tag ready to go upon registration the day of the event. Tickets for agents, guests, family, office staff, etc. can all be purchased by visiting the Summit webpage, https://www.smssalessummit.com/events/2018-sales-summit.

What do I need to bring the day of the event?

Bring yourself, open minded and ready to absorb and learn as much as possible. Be prepared to feel a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of information you will be exposed to. It’s okay. We’ll help you process it all.  Also might be good to bring a big empty notebook, in case your brain gets so full you need to write a few things down to remember.

How do I dress?

Business to business casual is the name of the game at all training sessions. Ticket holders for the Networking Dinner, business/cocktail attire is requested.

Is there food there? Is there alcohol?

May 15th – Ticket holders for the Networking Dinner, cocktails and dinner will be provided. (please note a separate ticket from your Training Ticket is required to attend this event)

May 16th – A breakfast and lunch buffet will be provided for all Training Ticket holders in the Tradeshow and Expo area.

Where do I stay? Is there a room block?  Is there any kind of hotel discount?

For agents wishing to stay on site the recommended choice for hotels is Embassy Suites. A discounted room rate of $144 has been negotiated for attendees of the Sales Summit. For a complete list of other area hotels please check out this extensive list provided by the Convention Center.

How far away is the airport?  How do I get there from the airport?  Is there parking?  Do I have to pay for parking? 

The St. Charles Convention Center is conveniently located just off I-70 in St. Charles, Missouri. It’s an easy drive from almost anywhere in Missouri and surrounding states, or a quick 10 minute commute from the St. Louis airport (rental cars and taxi’s available at the airport). The convention center has lots of parking, offering 1,200 free spaces. Attendees who plan to stay on site at the Embassy Hotel will have access to the hotel parking area as well. Visit the St. Charles Convention Centers information page for specific directions from the area you are traveling from.

What topics will be covered? 

The National Sales Summit will bring you information and training on every relevant industry topic, as well as help you build your systems, sales processes, and business strategies. Just a few of the trainings and topics include:

  • What’s Your Sales System & is it Working?
  • Technology Audits and Must Have Programs
  • Top Tips from Top Sales People
  • Assessing Your Financial Health as an Agent
  • Working with Child Caregivers; Aging Parents and Insurance Decisions
  • Administrative Staff and New Agent Trainings
  • How to Transition from an Agent to an Agency
  • Gaining Traction on Social Media
  • Where to Find Content for your Website and Social Media sites
  • Basics on Social Media Setup, Marketing Pieces, Websites, and Presentations
  • Updates on current legislation, both local and national, and how it impacts your business

The National Senior Sales Summit has something for every person involved in the senior insurance market. From agency office staff, to the agent on the street, to the general agency, this is the training event you will regret missing!

So there you have it. With no more questions to ask, go ahead, hop on over to www.smssalessummit.com and reserve your spot today!



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