
AEP is nearly over.

At the risk of being overzealous this last week of AEP with information on cross-selling, maximizing the sale, asking for referrals, etc., the sole purpose of this update is to remind you about all the last minute random ‘things’ to do before AEP is officially over. So in no particular order, direct from the minds and mouths of your SMS AEP Team, 10 Last Minute AEP ‘things’ to do Before December 7th. Oh, and don’t worry, we’ll revisit the cross-selling, maximizing the sale, and asking for referrals soon.


1. | AEP ends December 7th, so make sure to see everyone who needs help with a Medicare Advantage or PDP by that date. All applications using the AEP election period must be signed, dated, and submitted by midnight on December 7th.

2. | Cross check all applications you submitted to each carrier or to SMS to make sure they were in fact received and processed. Remember, many times a fax confirmation is not sufficient.

3. | Check each of the carriers online portals for pending apps that may need additional information.

4. | The Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period starts January 1 and ends Feb 14th. So any clients you did not get to or potential customers who you may encounter can still make certain changes to their plans as long as they fit the mold for this election period.

5. | The Service Area Reduction SEP starts Dec 8th. Clients using this election period can change their plan or plan type. They have basically the same options as they would during AEP. This election period ends February 28th, 2018.

6. | Commissions begin being paid out the 1st of January. Check your commission statements and amounts regularly to make sure all your commissions get to you. Sometimes there is a set time to dispute and research missed commissions and if the statute of limitation is up you could lose those unpaid commissions.

7. | Don’t forget to save your clients drugs lists on www.Medicare.gov. Just write down the drug list ID, password date, and zip code to quickly pull them up again! Call your Sales Director for a walkthrough!

8. | Don’t forget we have an enrollment department that scrubs your applications for UnitedHealthcare (MA & PDP) and Silverscript (PDP). Fax Coversheets are here –> 2018 UnitedHealthcare E-Application Agreement and Cover Sheet  |  2018 Silverscript Fax Cover Sheet to SMS Enrollment

9. | Don’t forget to use our Election Period Assistant to help determine which election period to use, or if you don’t have access to a computer simply give us a  call us at 800-689-2800.

10. | Remember, if it is possible for you to use them, electronic applications help make your life easier.  They make sure the application is correct, gets submitted faster, and you get paid commissions quicker.

And as a bonus, here’s #11


11. | Our 2018 AEP Toolbox is a great tool.  Make sure you’re using it–> https://www.smsteam.net/2018-aep-toolkit/


So there it is. Just 6 more days. Hang in there. Call us for ANYTHING. You’ve got this, and we’ve got your back. Happy selling and good luck this last week of AEP!



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