
Find and Compare Medicare Providers Near You

If you’ve ever wanted a convenient way to find and compare Medicare providers (physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.), there isn’t a better place to look than on Medicare.gov!

Their healthcare provider search tool allows you to find information about each provider and facility in your area, based on your individual needs. Simply select the provider type, enter your location, add what type of provider you’re looking for, and the tool will give you a list of all of the providers near you. Using this tool you can see each provider’s overall rating and patient survey rating (if available), as well as any important notices regarding the provider (i.e. if Medicare will only pay for specific circumstances with that provider). And the best part; you can compare providers side by side!

For example, let’s say a Medicare client in Missouri needs hospice care. They have a provider in mind, but aren’t sure whether the provider is the best option in their area. Using this search tool, the client will be able to pull up the specific provider they are looking into and be able to compare the provider to others in their area. The client will be able to compare what conditions each provider treats, where they provide care, the level of care they provide, and more! 

This tool is an incredible resource for Medicare clients, and for you as an agent. Try it today!

Have Questions? Call us today at (800) 689-2800 or email us at contact@smsteam.net!

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