
Medicare Café - Leveraging Social Media

As an insurance agent selling Medicare, it is important to go where your clients and prospects already are or are looking for information.

For years, this has been sending direct mail to their home. However, the 65+ market has been one of the fastest-growing markets to adopt online shopping and usage.

Medicare Leveraging Social Media, Medicare Cafe

As you can see from the chart to the left, shopping online has outpaced talking with family and friends and direct mail to become the #1 source for people aging into Medicare and beyond.

What does this mean for you?

It is no longer if you should be on social media, it is how well you are doing on social media.

According to Pew Research, 45% of people over the age 65 are on at least one social media platform. Facebook continues to be the #1 platform. Put 2 and 2 together, and Facebook is the natural platform you should be active on. 

Here are some tips to keep you relevant and top of mind with clients and prospects:

  1. Post 3 to 5 times per week

Only 6-10% of people who liked your page will see any given post. This means, to get 100% coverage, you will need at least 10-12 posts. If you are only posting 1 time per week, you’re basically opening the door to others to get your client’s attention.

  1. Be consistent

One of the top challenges with Facebook and other social media platforms is transparency. You can see when your last post went live. If your last post was 3, 4, or 5 months ago, this may tell your clients and prospects you are not active. While you may claim you are too busy to post online, they very well could be reading that as “this person would be too busy to give me proper service.” Make sure you keep posting!

  1. Schedule your posts

If you are inconsistent with your posting, pick one time per week and schedule out your posts. You can do this in the Publishing Tools section of your page (see the left-hand menu in Facebook). Schedule all your posts for the week and then you can focus on other things the rest of the time.

  1. Get fresh content from SMS Agent Connect

If you are needing content to post, head over to the SMS Agent Connect Facebook Group (CLICK HERE).  Agents who have at least one active contract with Senior Marketing Specialists can get content to share on their Facebook page.

  1. Like and share other content

Are you connected with other professionals in your market? CPA? Estate planning attorney? The carriers your represent? AARP? Make sure you like their pages and share their content. This is a great way to keep that relationship with that other professional and give your clients and prospects extra info.

Still need help? We are here for you! Give Senior Marketing Specialists a call at 800-689-2800 and we can help jump-start your social media! Or take a look at this Digital Agent Guide.

Join the conversation every Tuesday at 10 am CST.

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