
dual eligible

Even when AEP (Annual Election Period) is closed, there are still numerous opportunities to offer Medicare Advantage plans to your clients.  One popular market is the Dual Eligible (Medicare + Medicaid) market.

Many carriers offer a Special Needs Plan (SNP) specifically designed for those who are full Medicaid and have Medicare A+B.  These plans can be sold all year, provided the client meets the requirements to enroll.  In this case, they must (in most cases) have full Medicaid and Medicare.

If you are looking to enter this market, here are some notes to start you off on the right track:

  • Medicaid overview from Medicare.gov:

Medicare Overview

Special Needs FAQ

Medicare Savings Programs

  • UHC Guide to Low Income Subsidy:

Low Income Subsidy Guide

If you are wanting to see what plans are available in your area, we can help you!  Give us a call @ (800) 689-2800 to get started!

NOTE: You must be certified to offer SNP through Medicare Advantage carriers prior to offering plans.  Selling a SNP Dual Eligible plan without certification will result in a violation against you plus no commission payment.
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