
Medicare Matters: Don't Let Your Clients Fight a Battle Without You

By: Dan Mangus, as featured by the National Association of Health Underwriters

When it comes to complex medical conditions, the more trained minds you have working on the solutions, the better.

One of the issues of the pandemic are concerns about the impact on chronic conditions. These concerns are compounded because, in addition to the effects of COVID-19, many individuals are not getting the needed preventive services to head off disease complications. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 60% of Medicare-eligibles have at least two chronic conditions. As an advisor, it is critical that you look holistically at your clients, especially if they are eligible for Medicare because of age or disability.

These conditions impact every facet of our industry, from retirement planning to building plans that provide health insurance coverage in all forms. Medications and access to care play vital roles in making sure your clients do as well as possible during difficult healthcare situations. We have seen a significant increase in coverage options available to people, so an advisor is needed more than ever to help navigate the rise of options. But that puts added responsibility on you to become familiar with all of the options, including special needs plans built for specific chronic conditions, or to network with someone who does.

Here are three ways you can help:

Ask a lot of questions. Our industry was built on agents having and using a suitable needs analysis. If you have not examined your process lately, now is a great time to do so. More questions are needed now than ever to build a comprehensive benefit plan.

Know where to find resources. When it comes to chronic conditions, both national and community services can assist. Don’t assume your clients are already aware of them just because they have had a chronic condition for some time.

Here are a few good resources:

Network. When it comes to complex medical conditions, the more trained minds you have working on the solutions, the better. Be quick to include help from your carriers, FMO partners, industry peers and other trusted advisors in your community. Sometimes the smallest tip can save your clients thousands or provide the care they would never have received.

With the utilization of technology, some may not understand the importance of having your expert advice. The pandemic has given you the unique opportunity to show your value and come to clients’ financial rescue when they need you the most.


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