
What are Medicare Supplement Plans?

Medicare Supplement (Med Sup) plans are just that, supplemental plans that work in tandem with Medicare Parts A and B. Medicare Supplements are used to cover the gaps of Parts A and B and are designed to lower out-of-pocket costs. They also allow your clients to keep their doctor and hospital of choice, as long as they accept Medicare. Coverage is also guaranteed renewable with Med Sup policies. They are federally mandated and sold by private companies. All plans are uniform regardless of carrier, though price may fluctuate. Medicare Supplement policies generally do not cover vision (including eyeglasses and contacts), dental, hearing, long-term care, or private nursing. While you are on your Medicare Supplement Plan appointment remember, to remain compliant, that you can discuss other products as long as you are not discussing Medicare Advantage Plans or Prescription Drug Plans. Discussing these products with your prospective clients will allow you to build a suite of products that the client will see value in and increase your bottom line and their peace of mind.
For a full list of these enrollment periods, exceptions to open-enrollment periods, to ask any questions, or check compliance regulations contact us! *We do not keep product forms for all states. If you need a product that is not listed on the website, please reach out to us at 1-800-689-2800 for assistance. Information about Medicare or affiliations including UnitedHealthcare, are for agent use only. Agencies may redirect prospects to consumer facing pages.

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