
During it’s first year, the Senior Marketing Specialists AMP, Agent Marketing Portfolio, program has provided nearly 100 agents with over 500 marketing pieces. Not only are we adding to the selection, but you can now order it all online! Make your way to our AMP page to view our original AMP line as well as the new AMP Au Courant pieces or read more below! We’ll explain why agents should have updated marketing material, give you a preview of our brand new stuff, and walk you through how to place your order.


Why Upgrade Your Marketing with New AMP Pieces?

Regardless of whether you use our AMP program (we hope you do, though!), we want to make sure agents have modern and updated marketing material. It’s important to take a look at each one of your pieces. Is the design the same across materials? Is the color scheme modern? Are there 7 different fonts on each piece? Is all the contact information still correct? Your answers should be “yes,” “of course,” “absolutely not,” and “sure is,” respectfully. If you’re answers didn’t coincide with our example, consider these impacts of updated marketing pieces.


Keeping a consistent design throughout your marketing materials helps clients and prospects recognize your messages. If you have a different design on every single thing you send out, people will never be able to make the connection from that piece and the last one they got. It’s like being stuck on Start, never making it to the first space on a board game. It’s said it takes seven touches for you to stick in a prospect’s mind. Why would you want to keep repeating touch one over and over again? That’ll get you no where! Instead, choose a cohesive marketing strategy where each and every piece follows a similar design. This way, clients and prospects will begin to recognize your material in the thousands of messages they receive every day.


Modern marketing gives you a professional image. Think about it this way:

Agent A has a great personality, knows products really well, and has a passion for helping people. Agent A is the ideal agent, right? Right! Agent A doesn’t have a business card or other branded material.

Another agent, Agent B, is more reserved, has to rely a little more on brochures when pitching a product, and views money as their main motivation for being an agent. Agent B also has a branded business card, door hanger, and trifold that they give to clients.

Now which agent is more professional? At first glance, we might think Agent A. “Oh, Agent A has it all together. They are a go-getter. They really value their job. I want to buy insurance from Agent A!” Now imagine Agent A shows up at your door unannounced and asks to come in to speak with you about Medicare Supplements. Um, no way. This person has no proof they’re an agent or anything that shows me they work with insurance. “Bye!” If Agent B shows up at your door, is maybe a little more shy, but has a modern business card and some other materials to show you, you are more likely to give them time to speak.

It doesn’t matter if your personality is more like Agent A or Agent B, both are great agents! But we can see that having consistent and, for lack of a better word, pretty, material can put you above the competition.


When you use marketing material correctly, it greatly increases your visibility in your community. Give your clients a couple extra business cards for friends. Ask a physician if you can leave brochures in their lobby. Send a quarterly newsletter out. These actions, and many more possible with the AMP program, crank up the possibility that people who aren’t already your clients will see your name and begin to associate you with health insurance! But these materials have to look sharp. They have to draw people in. No one will give a poorly designed business card or flyer a second look. To increase your visibility, you must also increase the standard of excellence you hold your marketing pieces to. Lucky for you, AMP makes that easy!


Preview Our Pieces

Most Popular Picks

Over the last year, we noticed a few AMP pieces seem to be chosen more often than others. Our Medication Tracker, Trifold Brochure, and T65 Flyer made their way into almost every single AMP order since the program’s inception. It’s easy to see why, though. Just look at them!

Med Tracker


T65 Flyer

The Brand New Au Courant Line

The most recent additions to the new AMP catalog take modern to new heights. With inspiration from architecture and technology, these pieces are ones you need in your arsenal. We love the new business card, post cards, and door hanger.

New AMP Au Courant Business Card

New AMP Au Courant Postcards

New AMP Au Courant Door Hanger


How to Order the Classic and New AMP Pieces Online

  1. Visit the Online Order Form
  2. Peruse the AMP Catalog
  3. Fill in your information, upload images if you want, and choose your items.
  4. Click “Submit my AMP Order”

That’s it! We’ll receive your order and process it as fast as our hands can type and click! You can expect an email from our Sales Department when it is finished.



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