
Mark your calendars, people! The 2017 SMS Sales Summit is May 23 and 24. For those of you who attended The Summit in the past, you know how exciting this is. If you’ve never made it to one of Senior Marketing Specialists’ Sales Summits or, perish the thought, you don’t know what it is, here are your answers! The SMS Sales Summit is the senior insurance industry’s premier marketing event. It’s an event you won’t want to miss. Learn more about The Summit’s history, purpose, and, most importantly, how to register below!


Fact #1: We’re the OG Sales Summit

In 2014, the very first Sales Summit was born. When the idea for The Summit arose, we wanted to build the best educational and vocational event for independent agents in the senior market. There wasn’t really anything like it before and, we’re a tad biased, but we still feel there’s nothing that comes close. Since its beginning, The Sales Summit has evolved from its humble start to become the biggest educational and networking expo in the senior market. While much has changed over the last fours years, one fact remains: The sole purpose of The Summit is to benefit agents.


Fact #2: The Sales Summit is a BIG Deal

The trade show at The SMS Sales Summit is always packed with 30+ vendors ready to serve you. Here you can visit with carriers, get information on new technology and social media, chat with Senior Marketing Specialists team members, and even contract with companies on the spot! And that’s just the trade show. Back by popular demand is a full day of breakout sessions. With the top trainers and speakers in the industry, you’ll learn how to improve multiple areas of your business in our agent-focused workshops. And since we know you can’t make it to all 40 breakouts, every one of our 650 attendees has the opportunity to request the information they missed!


Fact #3: The SMS Sales Summit is 2 Days

2017 is the very first year The SMS Sales Summit is a 2 Day ordeal. In order to customize your experience, tickets to each event are sold separately. Here’s the run down!

May 23

  • Advanced Marketing Workshop: 1pm – 4pm

Join SMS’s top trainers for in in depth, hands on training on advanced marketing techniques.

  • Networking Dinner: 6pm – 8pm

Network with the top minds in the industry, SMS staff, vendors, carriers, and agents alike.

May 24

  • Breakouts and Trade Show: 8am – 5pm

Numerous breakout sessions to chose from, breakfast and lunch provided.


Fact #4: The Summit is Budget-Friendly

If you have ever attended an insurance conference of this magnitude you know how expensive they can be. We’re talking hundreds of dollars. Some events even surpass $1,000 and those aren’t even specific to the senior market. Despite being a one-of-a-kind event, The SMS Sales Summit is much more economical in comparison to other big name conferences. This isn’t because our confidence is lacking or our training is sub-par. It’s quite the opposite. We don’t charge much because we want agents to learn regardless of their pocket book. Tickets can be purchased separately or as a package to satisfy your budget. Here are the ticket costs:


Advanced Marketing Workshop: $99.00

Networking Dinner: $49.00

Breakouts and Trade Show: $99.00

All Access Training Pass: $149.00

Includes access to both training events (Advanced Marketing Workshop & Breakouts and Trade Show). Does NOT include Networking Dinner Pass.


Fact #5: You Can Register Right Now

Visit the official SMS Sales Summit website to purchase your tickets!

Please contact your SMS Sales Director to see if you qualify for any discounted ticket prices BEFORE ordering! Once ordered discounts to tickets cannot be applied.


SMS Sales Summit Registration

This button will not automatically register you, so feel free to click and explore the site!


For additional questions, contact us! (800) 689-2800

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