
5-Star Enrollment Period:
Why You Need to Take Advantage of It

The 5-Star Special Enrollment Period

The 5-star Special Enrollment Period (SEP) is a fantastic opportunity to assist your clients. 

This SEP runs for close to a year, starting on December 8 and ending on November 30 of the following year. Taking advantage of this SEP will allow your client to switch from their current Medicare plan to a plan with a 5-star rating. If the client already has a plan with a 5-star rating, they can also switch to a different plan with the same rating during this time.

Be aware! You can only utilize this SEP to switch ONE TIME in between December 8 and November 30!

Keep an eye out for this!

5 Star Special Enrollment Period , 5 Star SEP , 5 Star Rating Special Enrollment Period , 5 Star Rating SEP

5-star plans are represented by this icon.

Why You Should Take Advantage

Unlike the Open Enrollment Period (OEP), that lasts from January 1-March 31, agents are allowed to market this SEP! The 5-star Special Enrollment Period presents several marketing opportunities for Medicare agents:

  • An additional enrollment period for your clients with MA and PDP sales opportunities outside of AEP.
  • The opportunity to discuss better coverage with a higher quality plan and distinguish yourself as an advisor, not just a salesman.
  • Offers an additional touchpoint for your clients, showing them you’re always thinking of their best interests.
  • Provides proactive contact with your client that can encourage retention.

Keep in mind, targeting clients in poor performing plans with your marketing is not allowed. For example, you can’t single out individuals that currently have a plan with a 1-star rating. 

Aside from that, this SEP presents lots of opportunities for marketing that is often overlooked by agents.

Need help on how to leverage 5-Star plans? 

How Can I Get 5-Star SEP Specific Marketing Materials Fast?

Utilizing your resources is the key to your success. Most carriers offer premade marketing pieces specifically for the 5-Star Special Enrollment Period. If you have questions about how to access these materials, reach out to us! Give us a call at (800) 689-2800 or email us at contact@smsteam.net, and a member of our team will help you through the process. 

Have questions? We have answers! Call us today at (800) 689-2800 or email us at contact@smsteam.net!

Looking for a tool to compare coverage options? Try Medicare’s Plan Finder Tool!

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