
FDA Drug Shortages

Clients can face difficulties receiving medications throughout the year, but in the past several years we have seen legitimate drug shortages occurring with increasing regularity. Did you know that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tracks and catalogs these shortages and discontinuations on their website? If a client is facing challenges receiving their medications, checking this resource may help determine if it is an issue with their pharmacy or whether it is an actual drug shortage.

NEVER assume the pharmacy will always be upfront in regards to these issues. Senior Marketing Specialists’ very own Key Accounts Specialist and Compliance Officer, Chalen Jackson, shared his own experience with a potential “drug shortage”. 

“Just a month ago, our pharmacy couldn’t fill one of our son’s prescriptions and said it was a shortage”, stated Jackson. “Their recommendation was to get the doctor to prescribe something else! I called another pharmacy and they had the same drug in stock, and I picked it up that afternoon”. 

Jackson would like to remind everyone to double check what clients may be being told by their pharmacy or others. The best way to double check this is by taking advantage of this valuable resource.

To view all current and resolved drug shortages and discontinuations reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), click here!

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