
Agent Update Memo — January 2024

Below you will find new Medicare training and information both from Senior Marketing Specialists and the insurance industry as a whole.

Senior Marketing Specialists Updates

Industry & Carrier Updates

Everything from the sign-up stage to helping with licensing and contracting to answering questions for my customers. You know they say caring is a word you should not use professionally; however, it is a great way to describe the SMS Team, they care. They care about their agency partners and their customers, I’m often asked what makes SMS different, for me the answer is simple Communication. I am sure you would agree that communication is the basic building block of any relationship whether it is professional or personal, communication is key. At SMS they keep the lines of communication open and flowing with useful information. It is this information flow that makes sure I am meeting my customers’ needs continuously. Would I recommend SMS? “HELL YEAH”!


Senior Marketing Specialists Social Links, Senior Marketing Specialists Links


Senior Marketing Specialists is more than just an FMO—we’re your solution.


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